Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Car Making an Egregious Noise

I was manieuvering home from work this afternoon and defevered that I could run by my best frind Jophaniel's house and pick her up so we could go to Starbucks for a nice cup of tea. When I made the decision to engage my left blinker to turn into the alley that lead to Jophaniel house, my car started making a bad noise. I was too afraid to make the turn so I very safely put on the emergency lights and got out to see what the noise was all about. About that time, a man who were behind me started honk his horn VERY LOUD. It scared the geese out of me! i was furios with him and he knew it! (by the way i stared at him with distuted eyes) he stuck his head out of he window and yelled "Get off the road you crazy woman!" i yelled back but he could not hear me because all the traffic trying to go around me. Then Jophaniel came outside and yelled "Do you need some jumper cables!!!" I did not need any jumper cables because my car was just makeing an egregious noise but I was afraid to drive it now. Jophaniel said "Girl! Get in that car and get out of that dangerous traffic!" I did but my car made the awful noise that made me think in my mind "How much this gonna cost me!?" Everthing was ok though. when i got to Jophaniel driveway we found I had accidently ran over a armadillo and he shell was stuck between my left front wheel and the underside of my car. I did not even see him but thought I had run over a big pot hole in the road. i was embarrassed and i called marcus and said I would not drive with a armadillo stuck under my car so he i had to eat supper with Jophaniel and her husband Travis while i wait on Marcus to get there. it took him a long time because he had to pick up Marcus, Jr. from third grade and then come retrieve the armadillo from under my car after he get off work. Jophaniel make it sound like I was holding up all the traffic for a hundred miles, but it was only for a little ways. I did receive a good education about armadillos and that is they can get run over and you think it is a pot hole.

I hope you have a blessed day!

Flanella Jo


  1. Flanella Jo, did you mean for that to be a funny story because that is a funny story. If you meant for it to be funny, I am laughing out loud but if you didn't mean for it to be funny, I am sorry for laughing. I hit a deer one time with my car which was not funny but if you substitute the word armodillo for the word deer it is becomes funny. I don't know why.

  2. The Reverend Godfrey,
    I did not mean for my blog to be funny, but if you laugh about it I don't mine. It do seem funny now, but it were not funny at the time!
    Thank you for readng my blog.
    Flanella Jo

  3. The problem with armadillos is that, since they wear armor, they think they are indevincible in traffic, and as we now know, that isn't true.

  4. I agree Bucky 4 Eye. Just because they have armor doesnt' mean they prezempt from being hit by a car. I do feel sorry for the little animals though becuase they seem to have a bad habit of crossing the road at the wrong time a lot.
    Flanella Jo
